I'd add madly talented to the list: I am officially in love with her images.
She doesn’t ‘take pictures’ btw; she lets her camera ‘give’ her pictures – I like that distinction, don’t you? She calls her work/play ‘optical telepathy’ using it "to stop time, to trap shadows, to reveal hidden things."
A blank-faced knight stands guard by a stairwell, silent amidst acid bright. Would you dare ascend? Would you risk the creak of dark armour?
The everyday is made otherworldly. A girl stands, her back to us, staring down a corridor of scaffolding. A dark shape waits. Dog? Beast? Monster? We tell the story we hold in our own hearts and minds. Nobody else's. Nobody else is.
Guardian. A psyche-delish sky – burning trees branching ganglia into sky blue. Stone Bast, haunched on orange spine. Pet-rified.
Worlds reflected. Glance into the gutter and see sky revealed – clouds and space in a sea-puddle. What is beauty? Where is beauty?
A crack in the pavement becomes a threshold; a manhole a portal. Liminal places. Litoral spaces. Without walls as interstices. The blurring inbetween places. Where elements uneasily meet.
Time is liminal too. The precipice – the moment before stepping into the void, sun-induced vertigo. A coat left on railings.
Shadows walk the streets. People march brashly from or into fairytale, from nightmares, from hinterworlds without passports. Assaults of colour in a world bleached monochrome. Shrieks of edible E-number buildings. Fade to grey.
Colour. Light transmitted or reflected; wavelengths. Interest, variety, intensity. An outward appearance that may be deliberately misleading. To modify, deceive or distort; to affect in thought or feeling. The characteristic of quarks; the timbre of sound.
See, this is why I sometimes despair of words. All that verbiage and you probably haven’t a clue what I’m on about. Yet in one nanosecond an image can say all that – and more, far more. Because everyone sees differently.
You can buy prints of her images... And, damnit, she writes a blog too... wittynoodles.blogspot.com and she’s producing a film on Gothdom. Take some time to make her acquaintance. While you do, some music, I think...a brace of tunes that popped up and demanded to join this post. J
wow talented lady with a real eye for life...love the title of her blog too. Just catching up after several mad weeks here Jane....love your new header (although it is probably been around for a few weeks).
Love your post! You are very creative.
San Diego Mobile Notary
Posie - glad you like...I just inhale her images... Yeah, the header is old now and *grin* Soli has promised she'll do a fizzy new one just for me. :)
Carolyn: Not me that's creative. :)
Amazing pics indeed.
If a picture paints a thousand words, what then can we wordysmiths do???
Fabulous pictures. Maybe she has some brilliant idea for a header for my blog. Been searching for the right image since I started the blog and have not found one yet.
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