Which is why Barbara Ford-Hammond delights me. I met her on Twitter (at least I think so, I forget) and she describes herself as ‘a holistic therapist and muse’ which would, under normal circumstances, make me narrow my eyes and pick up my foot. But she’s alright, is Barbara. She doesn’t take herself too seriously; she has a good sense of humour (and, see, I rather think a real guru would have a blasted good – if not nigh-on evil – sense of humour). She’s just published a book called The Psychic Way – Fine-tuning your Intuition and, if you’re remotely interested in a world beyond cupcakes and shoes – it’s well worth reading. ‘I believe that we all have natural but often hidden or ignored abilities and talents that are tucked away in our psyches,’ she says.

Read that again, will you? See, I agree with that wholeheartedly. I really do. Whether you do or not is, of course, entirely up to you.. ;)
I actually think the title of this book is a little misleading or maybe it’s just a little offputting. Psychic sounds alarm bells for a lot of people but really it’s only science we can’t quite measure yet. As Barbara says, reassuringly (bless her): ‘We will remove the weird, the wacky and the woo-woo without losing the magic and charm available to you in your inner and outer world.’
If you’ve ever wondered about chakras or auras; hypnosis or meditation; clairvoyance and its cousins; spirit guides and angels; cosmic attraction; past life regression or even future life progression, this is your primer. It doesn’t preach and it doesn’t patronise. Just gives you a matter-of-fact lowdown on the airy-fairy stuff. Well, that's my feeling.
And you can read her blog here...
Let's end with some quotes from the book. If these please you, or inspire you or irritate the hell out of you, you would probably like to read this book! If they just leave you cold, then move on...
'It's all make believe, isn't it?' Marilyn Monroe
'Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them.' Coco Chanel.
'All serious daring starts from within.' Joan Baez
'Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope - a slight change, and all patterns alter.' Sharon Salzberg.
'It's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.' Lewis Carroll.
'Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.' Niels Bohr.
Sounds like something I should get around to reading one of these days. :-)
Susie, you'd love it - and suspect you'd love Barbara. Do you follow her on Twitter?
I've got such a crush x
Neither sour-faced gurus, nor silver-tongued ones.
Interesting soul, your Barbara.
BTW, loved your Positive Thinking and Cosmic Eyerolls. :o)
Sorry for the typos. Of(f) course, I('m) mean Positive Thin King and Cosmic Rickrolls. :o)
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