Anyhow. Whatever. Who cares? I have just packed the following:
· Swimsuits (James informs me that I swim like Asbo and so he is going to teach me to swim ‘properly’. ‘Like an otter, Mum.’ An otter? Fair enough. Without the fish breath, I hope.· Gym kit. Yes, there’s a gym at the hotel. If it gets too hot outside I can just turn my usual routine around and go sit on an exercise bike to cool down. Sensible, huh?

· iPod. With meditations from the divine Barbara Ford-Hammond. I am still waiting to discover my past lives and my future lives because every time I listen to them, I fall asleep. Maybe I just don’t have any? No past, no future – just right now eh? Music? The usual suspects - though it really riles me that some people don’t put stuff out there for download. *grr*
· Tarot pack and pendulum. Viv convinced me this combo would work well and I think she’s right. The runes are too chilly and the I Ching is too heavy. I can also use the pendulum to dowse food for dodgy bacteria and to freak traders out while haggling.
· Sunbelievable "self-tan". Self-tan? Fake tan, FAKE tan. May be fake but is good.
· Notebooks. Moleskines. Two
· DermaquestSkin Therapy – advanced B5 serum. Have been road-testing this and it’s good stuff. Light and non-sticky for hot places too…(as in hot countries, not hot bits of body…doh!).

· A slinky black maxi-dress. NO idea why I bought this as I will most likely never wear it. But I like the idea of it.
· Cut-off jean shorts. Many black tops. Assorted underwear. Reebok fitflops.
· Sunglasses. Ray-bans bought in Miami airport twenty years ago.
· AromatherapyAssociates diffuser and Relax oil. I know it’s weird but hotel rooms often smell funny. And yeah, smart-asses, I've got an adaptor..
· Hats. Trusty white cowboy job plus my Dead Sea peaked cap.
· Much sunscreen.
Sorted. Have I forgotten anything? Probably. Notice anything missing from that list? Yeah, I'm not taking my laptop. James says I'm 'addicted' and I fear he may be right. So, with a deep gulp, I am leaving it behind. I shall miss you all...and will look forward to hearing your tales (of mad Ulysses?) when I return.. Happy hunting, brigands... :)
Oh, Asbo and the SP? They're sorted too.. our dogsitters have landed and we have already been forgotten... :)
Have a lovely time my lovely. Rather think James' idea of a normal holiday is about to be redefined by the unpacking of a pendulum, a bloody diffuser. You are totally barking, you do know that? But I'm really rather fond of you. Read Jacob fast. You will, you will. Xx
Happy landings.
I confess that some of the stuff I habitually pack sounds madder than yours.
But no doubt you will find this out when we land in Exmoor in September.
Have a really good time - relax, for heaven's sake. That's what holidays are for, and whenever I read you, that word doesn't seem to be in your lexicon. Maybe that's why you've got the blog name you have?
Enjoy... return refreshed, relaxed and raging to get going! Cheers.
have a great time, though wish you were coming here. So close, yet so far away...
Have a lovely hol, do not be good, and eat, drink too much, be merry and tell us all the 'doings' when you get back! xx
Well, you're good at packing, Jane. Wise selection of items. And even something formal, like a black dress. Slinky Black Dress. One wonders who you might be out to seduce, but we shan't go there.
Hope you all have a grand time, and that you learn to swim like an otter. Otters are such fun.
Kerist is it already a day since you left, I feel it really7 I do! Hope you have a fab time, a normal time away!!!!
I haven't visited for ages - and here I am, dropping in just as you head off on holiday. Well, I hope it's a lovely one and that you come back tan (just enough) rested (a whole lot) and inspired.
Hi Jane,
Apologies for not stopping by lately, life has been a tad tricky, as ever long story of which I will not bore you with.
Oh goodie goodie a fab hol for you Jane, have a truly wonderful time and thank you so much darling girl for your kind words on my blog.
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