So I was chatting to Kim Bennett on Twitter the other day, as you do.
‘I liked the Beagle Oracle,’ she said. ‘I could do with a daily dose of BO.’ Ho ho ho.
But really the pseudo-Beagle has been a crap oracle lately. I fear he may be rather limited as a spiritual leader. His main messages appear to be:
Don’t listen!
Eat shit!
When in doubt curl up and go to sleep!
Run away!
Hmm, actually…maybe he isn’t so crap after all.
But then, lately I’ve been going with the iPod oracle. How the hell did I ever live without my iPod? I have literally thousands of songs on it now – every kinda thing you could imagine (from hip hop and heavy rock through acoustic stuff, pop and Latin-American dance to chanty floaty stuff and early church music. Oh and a load of meditation tracks and my shamanic drumming tracks.) And what I love to do is put it on *shuffle all tracks* and see what happens. Really, it’s usually pretty damn good at giving me what I need. I mean, what are the odds on getting five meditation tracks one after another when I’m seriously out of balance and need to go quiet? Sometimes it gets an obsession with one artist or one song - I mean how many times do I need to hear Leonard Cohen's Closing Time? Maybe it's just got a glitch... Or maybe not. Who knows?

Sooo, what did it play me this morning? As the SP and I decided not to go up into the woods or by the river but rather to walk straight across the fields. What did it say?
It said:
So, what are they saying eh? Music for thought? Or just random noise?
And after those? Eddie Vedder – Society. Bob Dylan – Tangled up in Blue. Roddy Frame – She Wolf. Feist – Brandy Alexander. Dido – My Life. Syd Barrett – No Good Trying.
I dunno, for some reason I am laughing my head off.
Incidentally you should check out Kim's website. She offers solo holidays for those on journeys, for those of a vaguely spiritual bent... in Greece, Cyprus or the UK. very very appealing...
Ooooh, I'm going to try this, what a fab idea. Never HEARD of any of your music, btw, you groove chick you xx
Groove chick???? FFS, half that stuff is DECADES old.. But yeah, it's cool... bit distracting when you're working though... I keep shouting 'yeah yeah, SHUT UP ALREADY' at the docking station. :)
The review of Riding asteroids (2001)
Jobo Pooks' 'Riding Asteroids' is a brooding, cosmic epic that masterfully
employs a gradual build, engaging a whole manner of arresting and slightly
ominous synth/electro arrangements, before flourishing into a straighter, beat
enhanced sign-off. Production on all of these ambient compositions is equally
impressive and, unlike many tracks of this nature, a distinct attitude also
comes to the fore. (DickB)
I don't think they liked "Shitacynic" when they merged with Vitaminic
Hey.... Coooool.
Wonder if Gabby will leave a comment next? :-D
Aw sour took Asteroids off your
Still, you got the Peoplesound review here anyway...That's the first airing it's had online for 10years....
Keep up the good work....I'm a big fan!
Ha! You put it back lol
I used to be I'm just not
Many writers don't realise that word verification is great for picking up weird names and characters for your bux....(tongue out emotion)
Huh? I didn't do nothing no time. Why would I put it up and then delete it eh? Maybe Blogger is an oracle too, huh?? ;)
I hope you've donated to the relevant charities....people who don't tend to have the universe even things up a
I know you're not one of those, Jane....(winking emoticon)
Yes, winking.....
Certainly did, Jobo...think it's great that you support two good local (to you) charities...and yeah, what goes around, comes around, sure as eggs is eggs.. *wink*
Well, the Parkinson's one is in The States, but it's just about the best one going as far as research goes. High profile because of Michael as well.
Ah yes, Karma....How ones thoughts can sow the tiny seeds that grow into bountiful crops....(smile)
I'm a lemming - don't have one. Think I'll stick to silence! Much less distracting!
Try and stay away from cliffs.....
Bet she comes back with a Harry Webb
You should try an ipod, Isobel. Beats all that neck and back strain from groovin an mincin through the town centre with your radiogram strapped to your ear....
Um, what's an iPod? (I don't have one.) So I don't know what I'm missing, I guess.
Glad you enjoy yours. Glad that it helps you deal with the beginning of the day. And the rest.
Is SP likely to get an ASBO for his recent behaviour?
And while were with ASBO, what's happening to Jack?
Isobel: I was the same for years...but now I love my music...
Bear: like a Sony Walkman but smaller... :) SP is cruising for a bruising and Asbo is - well - Asbo. But Crystal has offered to take him in - I am delirious with excitement!
Jobo: fecking indecisive yourself, you poker! Now my post looks messy... *grrr*
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