Adrian, bless him, isn’t one of life’s natural dancers – he jokes that the pogo is his dance of preference – so I tend to dance solo, or with friends, or – as you already know – with the stampeding horde of ululating women that is Zumba.
Anyhow. An email popped into my inbox about the Disney Channel. Seems they’re launching an online dance contest for children and young teens. Could I publicize it? Heck, why not? Anything that gets children moving is good in my book. So, here’s the blurb…
Disney Channel has teamed up with Got To Dance winner Akai Osei to launch Shake It Up: Dance, Dance, an online dance contest that will give the winner the opportunity to have their dance aired on the channel, as well as a holiday to LA and a dance master class with Akai. The online dance contest is open to anyone between 6-16-years-old. 
Disney did a survey on young people and dance and found, encouragingly, that almost half of them dance several times a week and that 67 percent of those surveyed said that dancing made them feel happy with a quarter feeling more confident. I dunno, dance certainly boosts my endorphin levels sky-high. It’s a total body and mind workout and I wouldn’t be without it... It saves my sanity!
So, so far we were singing from the same songsheet. But then they went on to say that the survey revealed the ‘most iconic dance moments in history’ and, errr…. Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal, High School Musical’s We’re All in This Together and Beyonce’s Single Ladies.
Now, we could be here a very very long time if I listed all my favourites but…hey…. Let’s start with..
Heaven’s Gate – the roller skate dance is awesome… but sadly it won't load (YouTube it - it's worth it.)
But I love the waltz too…
They got the tough street kids into ballroom with this one in Take the Lead… and by heck the tango is one sexy dance...
There's Dirty Dancing, of course…
But, my favourite? It’s got to be this, huh? Love this movie to bits..
What about you?
I am loathe to admit it but Stricty Ballroom is one of my fave movies of all times...may just have to watch it tonight. My Poor Boys!
Can't say that you links mean much to an oldie like me - but if I hear country dance music (English or Scottish), you'll have me jogging about - or doing it for real if there's someone to partner me! that's why line-dancing is also great: one can do that on one's own, and even at 70+, you don't look as though you making a complete ass of oneself. Good luck to all the competitors too: keep us posted, please!
I love to dance and I love dance films my favourite are Footloose and Girls just Want To have fun. I love a bit of Strictly Ballroom as well oh and Stepping Out.....
OMG. The Disney list of greatest dance moments is just crack addled.
If you ever have the chance to see Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake, go. It is amazing.
I really liked Save the Last Dance as it gives you an indication into what modern day Ballet can be like!
I was a ballet dancer myself once a upon a time...
Strictly Ballroom - Great choice. Love it, love it, love it
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