She is another seeker - she looks for messages. However, I think she is a more optimistic, more open-hearted soul than I...
I love her energy, her enthusiasm, her whole-hearted approach to life. She loves fully and totally. She seeks the best in people; she looks for good and, hey, she finds it. A lesson there, no?
She met us at the airport with balloons. She baked us huge heart-shaped cookies with our names iced on them. She bartered for me in the souks and kept pressing little gifts on me, generosity incarnate.
So, I would like to share her with you. And here - to get an idea of where she's coming from - is a post she wrote for this blog. If you like it, I'd suggest you make her acquaintance more fully - over at her place....
I do quite a lot of daydreaming. Often I just let myself drift and dream about how life could be if the world was more perfect.
I am not going to do a "beauty queen" and ask for world peace because dreaming or not, I have a trace of realist in my character.
So what do I dream of for the world?
I dream of a place where people are fulfilled and their jobs are not work because they are living and working their passion.
I dream of a world where people see the uniqueness in each other and where no one feels they are any better than anyone else, just different and unique.
I dream of a world of unbridled curiosity where people sit and listen to others without interrupting.
I dream of a place of joy and emotion where people aren't afraid to share, hug and be vulnerable.
I dream of a world governed by mutual respect. We don't all have to agree, but that doesn't mean we can't let others have their own opinions and points of view. Live and let live.
I dream of a world of kindness where people aren't afraid to talk to strangers and where people go out of the way to help others.
Are all these dreams as far fetched as world peace seems right now? Maybe and maybe not. What I do feel is that every single person who makes a shift in their thoughts and actions is taking a huge leap for mankind,
What do you dream for this world of ours? Do you think we can make our dreams come true? I would like to hope so.
Jane-you are too kind. You actually made me cry and laugh at the same time. Muwahhh! Will say hello to the desert for you tomorrow night.
BTW-in all fairness-I think you should put up the picture of you on that rock as well.
Susie - how do you feel about people hi-jacking your dreams? I would like to pray for those same dreams to come true. Hope that's OK, love Rachel. xx
Susie is indeed a very special person, and I hope she knows that I think that!
Unfailingly generous with her time as well as good gifts, happy to share her views without expecting you to agree or change your own mind, and it helps that she's quick to laugh, and eager to find the good in people.
And yes, her blog is wonderful.
I guess my dream, and prayer, for the world would be very similar to Susie's.
Rachel-hijack away. And rob-bear too.
As for you Sally-I want to give you a big big hug!
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