Thursday, 19 April 2012

Conversations with God as a teabag

‘Only he who knows the destination knows the way,’ the teabag told me solemnly.  

Okay, don’t look at me funny. You know I have this ‘thing’ about oracles?  Well, my iPod is now full and, while it still constantly surprises me with the relevance of its random choices, I felt the need for a new source.  All hail the teabag oracle.  I’ve developed a taste (okay an addiction) for Yogi Tea’s liquorice and mint tea.  Don’t go ‘eeeugh’ if you haven’t tried it. I know it sounds strange but it’s the perfect combination of warmth and cold, total contrast in a mug. 

Anyhow, Yogi teabags have little quotes attached to them – but you don't know what you're getting until you break open the bag (much like most things in life).  Anyhow, I rather liked the destination message because, well, it makes sense right?  If you don’t know where you’re going, how the heck are you going to end up in the right place? You just wander around in aimless circles. Lost. Except, hmm, I quite like lost. But where has it got me? See, I think I need a bit more focus. Just a bit. Maybe.

And then, later on, when I cracked open another I got:

As long as there is a doubt, you cannot find the way.

Hmm.  I’ve recently read the Conversations with God series of books by Neale Donald Walsch.  I inherited them from my mother who loved them.  But I always crinkled my nose and sneered  – cos I've always been a bit sceptical about channelled stuff on the whole.  But my quasi-guru talked about them in his books so I figured I’d just poke my nose into the first one…cautiously.  And, you know what?  Gobbled it up from start to finish, nodding pretty much all of the way through.  Well I never…Who’d a thought?

And what does it say, in a nutshell?

‘The Laws are very simple.
1.       Thought is creative.
2.       Fear attracts like energy.
3.       Love is all there is.
Love is the ultimate reality.  It is the only. The all. The feeling of love is your experience of God.’

And yes. I do believe all three of those. 

And then it started talking about oracles. Okay, it didn’t use the exact word but still…

‘Watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your ear…’

Or the conversation of the next cup of tea you drink.  God is a teabag?  Well, of course. *smile* 

And recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the next chapter of my life, pondering directions, musing on destinations, looking for The Way.  And things are starting to become a little clearer.  Maybe. 

It’s a dance, it really is.  The mind alone won’t do it.  You need to be totally congruent at the deepest level in order to manifest change.  Like God the teabag says, ‘As long as there is a doubt, you cannot find the way.’ And those doubts might be subconscious.  Tricksy huh? 

To be continued… 


Isobel Morrell said...

Ummmmm.....very thought provoking! Hope you find your new direction(s) soon.

Posie said...

I once bit into my fortune cookie and found no fortune piece of paper at all..eek, that got me very worried :-)
Have you come across Susie Pearl 'Instructions for Happiness and Success'...real food for thought, I found it inspirational.
Lovely to catch up again x

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

But doubt. I love doubt. I look at Anders Brevik and see certainty and on all the big issues doubt seems to me to be the best response. I don't mean paralysing doubt so that you can do nothing. Sometimes you just need to commit and jump in and do it, but even as I was falling I would still have some doubt, just not enough to stop me!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps: Through our individual (perceived) observations we create our experience always in the now that we perceive. It follows then, that the creator (us we I)is not a being or force or energy that is external from us, but simply everything that we observe (experience on all conscious levels)

Anonymous said...

@Jobo: Hear here... :o)

Ashen said...

Quotes are tricky ... if in doubt, doubt everything, including this :) ...
With faith one attains and realises peace and harmony. With doubt one destroys and gains freedom to move ontowards. - Fazal Inayat-Khan, Western Sufism - not easy to find, hidden away here:

Ashen said...

Quotes are tricky ... if in doubt, doubt everything, including this :) ...
With faith one attains and realises peace and harmony. With doubt one destroys and gains freedom to move ontowards. - Fazal Inayat-Khan, Western Sufism - not easy to find, hidden away here:

Anonymous said...

What Ashen says. Think twice. :o)

Anonymous said...

"Faith is simply hope in a dinner jacket"
(Jobo Pooks)

Exmoorjane said...

@Isobel...ummm indeed. Knowing me, I'll probably just turn in circles. :)

@Posie - nah, the blank one is always the goodie..look at the blank rune. :)

@EM - I know what you mean. But that's thought, isn't it? Maybe I'm trying to talk about some kind of knowing. Heart v head?

@Jobo - isn't that what I said? :) God is in the teabags, right? We are all the teabags.

@Everything - hare he are. :)

@Ashen - I like that. But am still wondering...

@Everything - once is already a challenge. :)

Anonymous said...

@Jobo - Anatomy. So your never cumming back?

Anonymous said...

@Marek: I never go back on an oath, matey. It was a promise I made to myself a long time ago. All things must pass. People can think, say and do whatever they choose.

Anonymous said...

@Marek: I took an oath - a promise I made to myself some time back. My oaths are set in stone.

Exmoorjane said...

@Jobo - Why? Who benefits?

Unknown said...

Liked this. It reminds me of the book 'Why God Won't Go Away.' My copy hasn't been returned yet, and I can't remember the name of the authors, but two specialists in the brain looking at the mystical experience and how it is common to all societies. God, for just about everyone, is love, but not logical. I suspect that it's the human mind that puts meaning onto things, but it can do an amazing job of tying stuff together and coming up with right answers - see Gladwell's Blink for why. Sorry if that seems obsessively materialist, but it does make sense of conversations with teabags.

Anonymous said...

@Jane: Whoever feels they do; I couldn't care less.

Anonymous said...

@Jane - You heard him.

Anonymous said...

Things mutter because it's human to mutter. Why manifest as human and not mutter.....when you play a game, it's most beneficial to remain focused on that game and be yourself.....Perhaps this label called God, manifesting as everything no matter how

Anonymous said...

Your mutter does matter. :o) 'Shave your identity - be your shelf.' (Sean Connery)

D.J. Kirkby said...

Heavy stuff....and I really enjoyed reading this post. I know! Go figure...

D.J. Kirkby said...

Heavy stuff....and I really enjoyed reading this post. I know! Go figure...

Anonymous said...

@ D.J. Kirkby - You find Shexy Shean heavy stuff? Jesus! Go figure... :o)

Anonymous said...

Think twice...

Tee said...

It's strange how things pop up at random times. This week's vlog touches on something that happened to me in regards to Natural Love vs Wanting Love. It was an eye opener. For sure.

I need some of that tea.

Anonymous said...

Synchronicity? Chance? Yes maybe, I think that we miss a lot of opportunities because we have our eyes closed and also assume that when good luck does come our way it can't really be meant for us. I too have been reassing my future and have been staggared by how much support there is out there that I didn't notice before. I like liquorice tea btw (but hate liquorice sweets).