Friday 27 April 2007

A new day dawns.....

That's it! I'm done. I've uploaded a selection of the many repetitious blogs of the last six months (dear God, is it really that long?) Reading back, I can quite see why I wasn't shortlisted - by heck, I was yawning myself and it was my life! House, house, house.....viewers, viewers,, chocolate, poo, poo,, chocolate, more poo, more viewers, more moaning.... bit of angst.... poo.... chocolate.... house, house.... oooh look, a fox! Oh for Pete's sake, why did no-one shut me up?
But, from now on, I am free of the need to stick to country matters (Lord love me, I really did try to follow the 'write your country diary' from Day One)....
I'm not quite sure what will come next....probably a lot more wine, chocolate and poo in all probability. But maybe other things too.

Anyhow, it's late - and I'm for bed.


CAMILLA said...

Hello Jane,
You are so funny, dear girl, where would we be without the house, choccies,pooh, and a good old bottle of wine. No, dont put yourself down dear Jane.I have said it before, and I will say it again. Your daily diary's were truly inspirational from day one.Full of wonderful writing, you wrote about the country, your village,it also gave readers an insight too on what Estate Agents were about(not all good).Your blogs were full of wit, and they certainly cheered me up no end. So dear girl, be proud of that "halo" you for one deserve it. Hope you get a good night's sleep. P.S. I have not seen a Hen or a Mole lately.

@themill said...

Sleep well! Although it's now morning so perhaps you did/didn't. Just doing marathon sessions now as I just can't read everyone everyday. Jane, you were never boring and I'm looking forward to meeting you in the summer. Weather here fab at the moment so hope summer hasn't turned to autumn by then.
What is your full blog address and I'll link you to my page

Withy Brook said...

Jane, your blogs were lovely and I always enjoyed reading them. Agree with everything Camilla said. Keep at it and the more chocolate, poo. house, estate agents and country comments the better! Hope I might be allowed to join you in the summer with the Mill? My email is on my blog page.

Anonymous said...

You might have been yawning young lady, we weren't...couldn't get enough of your blogs!
Merry Merlot to you!

Pondside said...

It's good to see a new blog from you and to know that you weren't done in by bringing all the old ones over from CL. Please keep on writing, as I look forward to reading the next episode of the real estate tale!

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Boring - where the hell did that come from - you were, are and very unikely to ever be boring.

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

If you see what I mean - berludy hell it is late . . I really should go to bed. Jane you are NOT boring, nor will you ever be - was what I was trying to say . . . scuttles off - tropical moment . . . . .an stuff