Crikey, I’ve won an award. This is so rare that it makes me think back to the (very few) prizes I’ve achieved in my life. There was the pink rosette I ‘won’ at my one and only gymkhana (for taking part) which was, for years, my most prized object (pinned to a silver egg cup in the hopes that the short-sighted might imagine it a first prize – the red having faded perhaps? – for showjumping. Then there is Finland – its Land and People, an art prize awarded while on a school cruise with the SS Uganda. Impressive you might think but I feel forced to point out that mine was the only entry. The only other one I ever won was a prize for Effort and Achievement in the lower sixth at school – a really unpleasant version of the Complete Works of Shakespeare printed on loo paper in miniscule print. A bitter memory as it marks the tipping point of my academic career. There I was all, the archetypal Good Girl, diligently practicing my Latin verbs (and due to sit the Oxbridge exams for modern languages) before discovering, a few months later, that there was much more fun to be had with gin, poppers, fast cars and naughty boys. It was all downhill from there and I was a Sorry Disappointment to my teachers.
But I digress.
The lovely and highly talented Zoe (sorry, still no umlat) has awarded me the Arte y Pico award for this little old blog. It means a lot as Zoe has monumentally high standards and her own blog is a Thing of Beauty Unsurpassed (if your soul is harrowed it’s as refreshing as a week in a top-class spa) so this isn’t just some nice pat on the back from a mate. Now, of course, I have to do the really hard bit and pass it on. This always worries me because the danger lies in an award just doing the rounds with one’s nearest and dearest blogging friends. So I have tried to venture a little further afield in the sure and certain knowledge that all deserving souls will eventually be handed it.
Here are the 5 rules of the award (it’s all rather strict)
1. You have to pick five blogs that you consider ‘deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and which contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language they are in’.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone (though not sure how you can force everyone to visit, but hey ho, whatever).
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given him/her the award itself (once again, it’s a bit bossy but I suppose if you invent an award you can set whatever rules you like – whether you choose to follow them or not is entirely up to you).
4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize has to show the Arte y Pico blog so that everyone will know the origin of the award (aha, so we have a need for recognition here – methinks the poor soul that started this never even won a pink rosette or a grotty copy of Shakespeare).
5. To show these rules.
Oh I don’t like rules. At this point, I’m scratching my head and wondering if it is really fair to burden anyone with all this. But then again, it’s a rather pretty award and there are some blogs that I think deserve wider recognition so, here we go (in no particular order).
1. Milla at Country Lite for making me laugh out loud (and, as regular readers know, it takes a heck of a lot to make me even snigger) at her simply brilliant takes on the minutiae of everyday family life. You Must Read This (she will give it to Rot, so don’t need to do him).
2. Cait at Dear Diary for a multi-media blog that is inspiring and always makes me think (and sometimes makes me cry). She makes me read poetry (which I would never do of my own accord) and reminds me to count my blessings each and every day.
3. Casdok at Mother of Shrek for opening my eyes. Casdok is the single parent of C, a 19-year old non-verbal autistic young man about to venture on a new stage of his life. Her blog is constantly challenging, entertaining, thought-provoking and also very beautiful. You Must Read This too (sorry to be bossy but it has to be said).
4. Sorrow at Walking the Labyrinth of Life. A brand new blog to me (found via the wonderful Bollingerbyrd) but one that lures me back at the moment as there is so much to explore. Fascinating links and deep thoughts.
5. Diane at 60goingon16. I love this blog for its intelligence, humour and breadth of subject matter (I never know what I’m going to find – how lovely is that?). Great book and music links too. Another must read.
So, have fun….. Hope I’ve introduced you to a few new wordsmiths. There were loads of other blogs I could have nominated – you can catch more of my favourites on my (new) blogroll. This is still a work in progress so please don’t be hurt if you’re not there yet…..so many blogs, so little time….
So, have fun….. Hope I’ve introduced you to a few new wordsmiths. There were loads of other blogs I could have nominated – you can catch more of my favourites on my (new) blogroll. This is still a work in progress so please don’t be hurt if you’re not there yet…..so many blogs, so little time….
Well deserved, Jane. Now is that why you're racing round dripping red hair dye? To match the red carpet, perhaps.
hahaha, Vengence is yours! Now I am blushing like a menopausal old bag with hot flushes.... yes, all right, I am a menopausal old bag!
Good choice for the new awardees, all well deserved.
I see my PurpleCoo widget is making the rounds too, wondered if it ever would.
Zoë xx
Congratulations old girl. I shall check out the ones recommended that I don't know when I have a mo. Time, my God, always my enemy. How do people find it? I've been searching under stones for years...
Ps: languages at Oxford - when? did you get there? I shall email you...
Tee hee...... A very fine widget it is too....I have finally conquered my irrational fear of odd techo-gizmos and branching out!!
Congrats are in order...well done!And some new (to me) blogs to explore, always a treat. Think I'm up there with you as far as gymkhana rosettes go....
Hi Jane.. just about to turn off my computer for the night (yes, nighttime in Aus.) and your comment popped up so i thought I would rush madly over to say thankyou..
my Tales of Inglewood blog is nearly one year old.. but I have been through various blogging incarnations over a 4 year period..
the little baby.. he is my grandson.. he is just beautiful and I agree with you.. cover all bases when it comes to that :)
congrats on the award.. hope to get time tomorrow to read some more of your blog..
Goodness, I go to London for a few days and come back to discover that you have been given a totally wonderful award. Which you totally deserve, of course.
And thank you so much for your kind and generous words - now I really have got a lot to live up to!
Thank you, lovey. Most impressed, just worried I'm a bit dim to follow all the rules...
Well as you have admitted to drinking gin and being very naughty indeed you have risen wonderfully well from your mispent youth to inspire us all with your writing. Well deserved award. x
Well done, and arent you good for following the rules so well! I didnt, I'm afraid.
You always write a great post, Jane and really deserve a prestigious award as this one.
CJ xx
Great award and great choices for the passing on too. I shall go and have a look at some of your recommendations that i dont know. I am loving chish's avatar!
Congrats on your award! Very fine it is too! And thank you so much for passing it on, and i will certainly check out the other blogs. :)
Congratulations on your award! I've been away too long and have so enjoyed catching up on your fantastic blog. Keep up the good work!
Oh congrats Jane and I really must do mine tomorrow (she says in a casual way as another recipient of award thanks to dear Zoe). Does make one feel the need for some glamour and a speech which is rather nice for a change xx
Richly deserved, Jane. And wholeheartedly agree with your choices for the blogs I'm already familiar with: Milla - one of the best writers ever, in my opinion; Cait, whose wise and poetic words always offer a refreshing viewpoint; and Casdok, who is just an amazing person. The others I will go off to investigate.
(And thank you for adding me onto your blogroll. Must find out how to do that...)
Congratulations to you, Jane, and also, it is very good to have Zoe back here.
Hey, Zoe if you do see this, I am happy to say that the roses in my neighbor's space in front of her brownstone, do seem to have resisted our 100 plus degrees F of last week. There may be more blooms to come.
I really do like the way that nature can help us to recover our strength.
Thanks Jane, I am never sure that posting a load of photos counts as a blog but it keeps me amused!
I'm not a Homeopath myself just interested in alternative therapies. I have used Helios and Ainsworths mostly for the horses so far. They give such good advice.
The Raw Gaia stuff is good for me because I am allergic to a lot of products.
Congratulations on your blogging "Oscar" I hope you were wearing a Versace number to receive it!
Well done . . . you blog is always well written and wittily and often wickedly entertaining.
Proud to be on your blogroll. Thank you . . . note to self - must do a blogroll . . .
You really do deserve the award, your blog is brilliant - your blog is actually in my top three. I dont differentiate between the three in my top three (see reasons below) but you are there.
These blog awards do dredge up issues for the 'please others' personality types. OMG - what do I do? I love you all, and x,y,z might be upset if I dont award anything. If they get upset then they may suffer internal emotional collapse and be found wandering in their local park gibbering and clutching a bottle of schnapps. Its all so stressful.
Very well done - I always enjoy your blog. By the way I have never won anything! The best I could do was top in a biology exam with a fantastic mark of 68% !!!
for stopping by at my place, obviously I have seen you at BB and other blogs comment boxes. I keep coming back to read but never seem to have the time to do a whole post justice....however we have the weekend luming so maybe.
Well done you.. well deserved. I agree with you about Sorrow's blog it is an artistic inspiration.
Oops sorry, that'll be because I have been doing a new one and posted it to see what it looked like and then fiddle a bit more, almost done! Didn't know thats what happens, I am learning more about how it all works everyday!
More Blog bollocks
Hi Jane, me again..just wanted to say thanks for the lovely comment you left me the other day, much appreciated. Can't email you as you come up on blogger as no reply, so here I am filling up your comments. And I'm holding you responsible for the fact that I'm working my way through my Bruce collection...on LOUD, as the next door neighbours are away. What bliss!
Mr Pineapples
We love you...You are the absolute greatest.
Hooray for Mr P
For the Famous Mr Pineapples
Well done, will check out the blogs and feel strangely drawn toward Mr Pineapples as well now.. (still no house viewers despite the healthy red flowers in big pots) blogthatmama
Aw thanks all of you. Yup, I'm with you expatmum - Mr Pineapples is priceless!
Congratulations on your Award Jane, very well derserved indeed, love your blogs from day one even if I do come here a little late, well done again Jane.
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