I'm a bad blogger, an AWOL blogger - if my blog were my house it would be thigh-deep in dust. Hey, wait a minute, my house IS thigh-deep in dust. Art imitates life or what?
Why the absence? Well, I've been trying to concentrate on writing. As many of you know I wrote a children's/YA book called Walker - which languished in a bottom drawer for some considerable time (adding to the dust factor). A few months back I posted it up on Authonomy and now it's riding high at #7 in the charts. I've had amazing feedback and have rewritten it several times (and have a few more rewrites left to go I fear) so the experience has been fabulous.
While on the site, I have met some marvellous people. One, Dan Holloway, has a dream of spreading words and art and music through the Internet for free. So he has set up an initiative called Free-e-day - going live for December 1st - and you can find out more by visiting the blog...here....
I've offered up the first chunk of Walker (and will happily send the rest to anyone who is interested - once it's edited!).... check it out here....
Why the absence? Well, I've been trying to concentrate on writing. As many of you know I wrote a children's/YA book called Walker - which languished in a bottom drawer for some considerable time (adding to the dust factor). A few months back I posted it up on Authonomy and now it's riding high at #7 in the charts. I've had amazing feedback and have rewritten it several times (and have a few more rewrites left to go I fear) so the experience has been fabulous.
While on the site, I have met some marvellous people. One, Dan Holloway, has a dream of spreading words and art and music through the Internet for free. So he has set up an initiative called Free-e-day - going live for December 1st - and you can find out more by visiting the blog...here....
I've offered up the first chunk of Walker (and will happily send the rest to anyone who is interested - once it's edited!).... check it out here....
Also, check out the downloads from two superb authors, Traci York and Kim Jewell.
If you fancy getting involved in any way do have a look at the blog......and please spread the word by any means you fancy.... Something for nothing? Can't be bad.
If you fancy getting involved in any way do have a look at the blog......and please spread the word by any means you fancy.... Something for nothing? Can't be bad.
Hello!(Waving frantically from Suffolk) How wonderful to see you here and trying very hard to not hit the links because as you can probably guess I'm on deadline and I don't want to work - hey ho! Promise I will hit all links after I've done all these interviews...
Excellent stuff, and welcome back. Will go and have a read, but fear you may have pitched it too old for me.
Tattie: Big thanks - I have been SO bad. Have to warn you that once you start clicking, you've had it!
SPD: Well, my book is pitched at older children and Kim's is a YA book....so you might cope!
Welcome back, I have been looking forward to your post. Ohooo sounds like a good read, noticed it is number 6 now :)
What age group would you recommend it for. I think it would take me my whole life to get a book written, nothing ever gets finished around here ;)
Take Care
Hello Jane,
Please do not refer to yourself as a bad anything at all! You are a wonderful writer and expert juggler. Truly, a day has only so many minutes, no matter how carefully we try for a re-count.
Terrific news re Walker! I have a friend here in NY who might be interested in your resource. I'll pass the info on to her.
Best wishes! xxx ooo
Gosh, Jane, this is wonderful. Thank you so much for spreading the word - I will make sure we do likewise with Walker.
Very best,
Wondered where you had got to - not doing housework obviously. Hey I don't knoew if you caught my news - I'm a granny since 23rd Oct. She's totally gorgeous and we're all besotted.
OMIGOD! is that really you?
Fabulous news about Walker...knew it was a winner!
Welcome back and DON'T YOU DARE VANISH LIKE THAT AGAIN!...you were much missed!
IE x
How lovely to see you back but I've completely wasted half an hr playing with your links and I'm supposed to be packing to move to another 'Bonkers House' xx
How great to see your back amongst us for everytime I notice the kitchen drawer is shut I am reminded of your Feng Shui assistance.
Must click on some of these links.
Weekend coming up. Am sure the book is great. Best of luck with it. Any tales of dogs (almost) setting themselves on fire?
So THAT's what you've been up to. Really, really best of luck with Walker. I remember reading bits and pieces on your blog a while ago and thought it sounded excellent. Will be following your progress with eager (and perhaps a little envious at your productiveness) anticipation. Go girl, go. xx
All good then and welcome back Lx
Wonderful - that's where you were! You know I absolutely loved walker even before you did all this extra work on it. So glad to know it is doing so well. It really is something special.
Yes, you've been absolutely crap lately and I thought it might be something I said. However, those links look really interesting...As someone who is meant to be more than halfway in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month has turned instead into a big NaNoNoNo.
You're alive! Wonderful!
And what a nifty idea. Worthy of careful consideration.
I wonder if Liz Jones will sign on to help?
Well, I have just read your first seven chapters, and am longing to find out what happens next. I always think I would like to write a book, but writing is something I am not terribly good at. Anyway, I would love to read the rest of the book.
I have been badly AWOL to. But congrats on walkers, I will look out for it x
Helloo Jane! This is great news.
You keep going with it girl.
I kept checking in here for your blogs and guessed something like this. I looked at Authonomy a few weeks back and saw how Walker was moving up and that you're a top spotter of talent too! Good for you - you SO deserve success with everything you do.
Best wishes
Thanks for getting back regarding the book, so at 36 do you think I shall be alright, I am afraid to say rather a wimp regarding the dark side, would like to be more open at reading different Genres, so as its you shall keep my eyes peeled :)
Actually talking about different Genre's I am reading a very saucy yet delicate novel at the moment, only on page 70 and even for me have found myself blushing, enjoying though :)
Ohooo didn't realise I could read some of it online, right off for a little read
Good to have you back I will look at the website
LOL We have the same taste in books, and the same taste in backgrounds for blogs ... and the same tendency to be MIA around the blogs ...
This friendship was meant to be!
Come visit my blog sometime. I hope it makes you laugh.
Good to see that you're still in the land of the living and writing. I won't be clicking anything just now as have wrecked my hand and find this bit a challenge..........maybe later.
OK, I am plonking this message at the end of your most recent blog so hope you see it! I have been reading ALL your blogs, oldest to newest and must say I have been having a high old time. It's amazing how one can have a good time and fill one's days when one does not have a job any more. Redundancy. Not for the week. Anyway... I am up to May, and discovered a little comment at the end of a blog regarding whether Reiki was a new age pyramid or something else. I am a Reiki Master Practitioner, which means that once in a while I get lucky enough to give a treatment to a friend. I have never wanted to do it professionally, or to teach, although I am supposed to be qualified. You are the one who professes to believe in Fate, or Karma(not that I would argue).... well, I was filing your insomnia away mentally, thinking I ought to send you a Reiki treatment and within the hour found the Reiki comment blog. I would not have sent it without your permission, and don't know if anyone else has commented on this subject, but if you would like one, let me know. I am in the US, so could work on sending you one on around bedtime since I am 6 hours behind you. And I would not tell you in advance which night... just to keep you on your toes. And, better yet, I don't charge; free; gratis; no exchange of filthy lucre from your hands to mine. What more could you ask for?
Found you at last, I had been worried as you were not on the Coo. Great news re Walker etc. Keep in touch
All the best to you
Hi Jane,
Have been worried about you, did send a message, brilliant news on Walker, and thanks for the links Jane will check them out.
Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year 2010! Thanks for the links. When I've got a minute I'll take a look. I keep reading your stuff too in the Telegraph.
Wishing you bags of luck (as if you need it!)....Hadriana xx
BTW: I think your writing is "maxime"!
Sounds great, welcome back, oh, and Happy New Year too xx
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