Sunday 14 February 2010

The Great Cupcake Challenge

Okay, so I can't cook for toffee but I can turn out a cupcake.  And, by heck, I have hideously bright food colourings and I will use them.  And then add all manner of bits and bobs on top.  And I most certainly will take up any challenge (within reason) thrown at me.  So, when Englishmum announced The Great Cupcake Challenge I had to have a bash.  So here, without further ado, may I announce Bonkers House Cup Cakes a la Mode. 



Molly Potter said...

Wow - they are bloody amazing!!!!!

More art than food I'd say.

Michelloui said...

FANTASTIC! I can already see the kids bouncing off the walls with those colourings--but knowing you, they're all natural and perhaps even healthy for you... ;)

I am a fan of cupcakes, I normal avoid trends (just to be stubborn) but this one has me sucked right in. I'll bet yours sell best at the fete or school bake sale or whatever? They are just too gorgeous to not catch the eye.

PS Enjoyed the post over at The Lady. Not my usual mag but I did read recently that Boris' sis is now heading it much to many an old dears' anguish so it might become quite interesting! I shall look for your posts over there as well.

60GoingOn16 said...

Flippin' 'eck - they rather knock my cinnamon streusel efforts of earlier today into a cocked hat, Jane. Streusel's a yummy cake but - and there's no way round this - the top is brown. Crunchy and brown but brown, nevertheless.

Exmoorjane said...

MP: Definitely more art than food - I wouldn't allow any child within a mile of these - natural they ain't!

Mich: The Lady is actually a very good read - including my blog (ahem) of course!

60: Bet the Streusal tasted a heck of a lot better!

Frances said...

Jane, what an amazing baker (and Icer) you turn out to be. Wow!

You are making me a bit guilty, as I realize that I have not pre-heated my oven since baking the Christmas cookies.

You also made me laugh with the food coloring reference! Let art triumph over science.

Happy Valentine's Day to all at your house. xo

Tattieweasle said...

Do you think they'll last until next Christmas? Seriously though they look amazing!

Not From Lapland said...

i stand in awe of your cupcakes!

Kate said...

Like the cup-cakes and the blog.

CAMILLA said...

Hi Jane.!

Wow, fab cup-cakes, they look amazing even if they are not for eating, a work of art definately.!


Mrs Worthington said...

They look fantastic! They could be an alternative to Red Bull and give you fairy cake wings

Unknown said...

Those look amazing!! :D

Sally Townsend said...

Fabby cupcakes, still churning out fairycakes here which are just a smaller version ? oh give me mountains of spongecake anytime of the day.

Ladybird World Mother said...

Oh bloody hell, they look good enough to eat. What, you mean, you WILL EAT THEM??! Yum. x

Irish Eyes said...

Yeah! well like! here I am still waiting for a box of those glorious cupcakes to arrive at my door step to go with my cuppa, my blazing log fire, my good book and my feet cosily warm in Frances-made where the flamin' heck are they ExJ?

Signed :- Miserably starving to death, Ireland.

Rosie Scribble said...

I'm a little late to this, well five days late to be precise, but your cakes look fabulous. Mine were a feeble attempt but I bribed the judge and bagged third prize (despite the fact that English Mum said it was not a competition!)

Rob-bear said...

Too arty to eat; too tasty-looking to resist. What's a Bear to do?

OK — who really got to eat them?