Tuesday 27 July 2010

Fab competition - throwing up involved

Ah heck, just looking at this picture makes me feel ill.  If you read my blogs from Walt Disney World last year, you'll know how I feel about rides.  Yup, I'm the woman who cried (really truly cried) on Expedition Everest.  I'm also the woman who managed to evaporate the entire queue at Chessington World of Adventures by screaming all the way round the Dragon's Apprentice (the roller-coaster for teenies).  Parents snarled and children cried.  One (deeply logical) child announced firmly: 'If that mummy is scared, I'm not doing it!'
Anyhow, James feels entirely quite differently.  He still hasn't forgiven me for not taking him to Florida. He says 'Thorpe Park' and 'Alton Towers' in tones of deep awe, respect and intense yearning.

Which brings me onto this rather neat little competition.  As you know, I don't do many of these but this one is pretty good.  You could win a year's worth of fun at our home-grown theme parks if you're smart (or plain lucky) and can guess where this picture was taken.  Yes, yes, it's blurry - that's part of the sneaky tough bit (rather than my poor photography skills).

I'll give you a clue - it's one of these....(and last time I looked Madame Tussauds didn't have a lot of screaming going on - but hey, it could have changed!). 

Thorpe Park
Chessington World of Adventures
Alton Towers
Warwick Castle
Madame Tussuads
Lego Discovery Centre

Get it right and you will be put into a draw to win a Merlin Annual Pass - this competition isn't going out over a huge number of blogs, so it's really worth having a shot.   But do it quickly as the competition closes on July 31st
If you don't luck out then it might be worth buying The Sun from Saturday.  The paper is giving away 2 for 1 vouchers for more than 700 UK attractions. Check it all out here....

Go on, get guessing!!   Post your answers in the comments below...fingers crossed.....  C'mon, how hard can it be??? 


Laura - Are We Nearly There Yet Mummy? said...

Alton Towers? And unlike your visit to Walt Disney World I don't see any pixelated tongues.

Exmoorjane said...

I was waiting for that, Laura!!!! Weird thing, that photo has VANISHED. Can't find it anywhere... ;)

maryom said...

Alton Towers. I'm not going -even if I win. Fortunately have one daughter old enough, and hopefully sensible enough, to take the teenaged one.

Exmoorjane said...

Maryom - you're a woman after my own heart! I like the cafe though...or hey, you could go to nice calm places like Madame Tussauds or Seaworld!

Milla said...

Alton Towers.

Fennie said...

Yes, I'd say Alton Towers too, though it probably isn't. And you are not alone in thinking that if only someone had had a bit of moral courage we might have dispensed with the hideous invention of the roller coaster while still on the drawing board.

Exmoorjane said...

Milla: firm and decisive. Spoken like a woman who's been - many times?

Fennie: I concur...totally

Anonymous said...

Alton Towers.

So many of those places are near to me!

DJ Kirkby said...

My husband says it's Oblivion at Alton Towers. I believe him becasue he's been on it. No he didn't puke. Yes he's quite insane....

Exmoorjane said...

Crikey, so far it's Alton Towers all the way. Oblivion??? eeeeeeek *squeals in high voice*

Keep on entering chaps....

Bluestocking Mum said...

I only came to see how the young master is.

I can't bear thought of fair rides. Would rather stick pins in my eyes, thank you.

I'm guessing Chessington...

Mopsa said...

Nothing would induce me to go on one of those rides - my crevette supper feels nervous just looking at the blurry photo.

Alison Cross said...

I'd go for Alton Towers.

Just back from Blackpool Pleasure Beach where I braved The Irn Bru Revolution with my son.

He kept his eyes open and loved it, but I kept my eyes shut and rediscovered God thru prayer.

Ali x

Milla said...

spoken like a woman who's copying the others and a bit out of her depth!

Exmoorjane said...

Milla: do you do the big rides? I keep promising James I'll take him and a mate to Alton Towers - and that's just up from you and over a bit, yes?? Maybe we could make a day of it?! In lieu of proper holidays? Oh God, listen to me. How sad is this?

Unknown said...

It has to be Alton Towers. I'd have to stand and watch from a distance. I hope they have an ice-cream van nearby...

Jen Walshaw said...

Oh I would love these =- Alton Towers

Exmoorjane said...

Zoo: Me too. I figure all these theme parks should have nice proper cafes next to the big rides plus mobile manicurists etc...tarot card readers...umm, male models?

Madhouse: mad by name, mad by nature?! Crazy woman but yup, you're in the draw! good luck!

liveotherwise said...

Alton Towers. I think.

Caroljs said...

I'm going with Alton Towers. I used to love all the scary rides, I juts have to look at them now and they make me feel sick

Dani said...

Complete guess, but Chessington????

Glummy Mummy said...

Well, I'm guessing it's not the castle...

Do I get a prize for that? ;)

Rob-bear said...

Callaway Park, Calgary, Canada?

Hmmmm. . . . I suppose not. You didn't suggest that it might be in "the colony across the pond."

Jon Storey said...

You wouldn't catch me going near any of them!

Posie said...

Oh I would not be dragged onto one of those rides....cannot stomach them at all, but do enjoy watching, from a distance, manicures and male models sounds good to me Jane....Wouldn't like to guess at which theme park it is...has been years since I ventured into one. Alton towers just used to have gardens, a ruined castle and a chair lift in the days we did school trips there lol x

Jopo said...

I Think it's Thorpe Pak and the rollercoaster is Saw: The Ride... ;-)

Sharon said...

Alton Towers, I think.

Jen@Jenography said...

My guess is Alton Towers because I believe I've had the same expression on my face several times on this exact same ride.

Exmoorjane said...

Huge thanks for entering everyone!
The competition is now closed and all the correct answers will go in the hat (yes, there IS a hat) and I'll be able to announce the winner on Monday...

Exmoorjane said...

Well, well, well. It was Thorpe Park....Jopo - you were the only one who got it right and your name went in the hat - but sadly, the winner was Marg Farmer who got the correct answer on A Place of My Own!
Harumph. Really wanted someone from my blog to win.

Milla said...

cheats clearly DON'T prosper then! But whose to know one line of screaming ninnies from another? There aren't any of these hellish places between you and me, are there? don't they tend to be kinda northern?? ie north of me?