the thing is, I eat pretty erratically plus I’m vegetarian, so my diet doesn’t
necessarily hit muster as far as providing energy, vital nutrients and all on
an ongoing basis goes. Sorry, that is a horrible sentence – I appear to have
lost the power of rational speech recently. Or, rather, the power of rational
writing (the speech went a long time ago).
course I could just take supplements but it dawned on me that actually there
was a better way to go. Cos really the
best way to supercharge our diet is not with
manufactured supplements but with foods dense in natural nutrients – the
so-called ‘superfoods’.
favourite pharmacist Shabir Daya (from Victoria Health) agrees. ‘They offer great benefits,’ he says. ‘Providing not only vitamins and minerals but
phytonutrients which have many beneficial properties.’ He points out that
superfoods are also much safer than synthetic supplements. ‘Superfoods do not offer mega doses - mega
doses of any nutrient can have a detrimental effect.’ And who wants a detrimental effect, huh?
he is swift to point out that they aren’t necessarily a magic bullet and that
you should take some of their miraculous claims with a pinch of salt. Quite so.
But hey. I figured that the easiest way for me to boost
my energy and so on was to have a mega superfood charged breakfast. And for anyone who might remotely be
interested (all two of you) this is it.
First I soak oats overnight in unsweetened almond milk. Why
oats? They give sustained energy and are
known to keep cholesterol levels (as in bad cholesterol) down. Then I add goji berries because, firstly, I
like the taste and secondly they are mega-high in antioxidants with potent
anti-ageing and immune-enhancing properties.
They’re said to increase stamina, strength, longevity and sexual energy. Good enough, huh?
Then, come morning (usually after my morning gym workout), I
add a tablespoon or so of mixed crushed organic flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin
seeds (rich in protein, Omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin E). Why crushed?
Cos you ever tried getting flaxseeds out of your teeth? Trust me – crush ‘em.
Then I add another loving spoonful of hemp seeds. Why? Cos they’re a superb vegetarian protein (a
much better choice than soya or whey protein) with the ideal ratio of essential
fatty acids. Hemp can encourage weight
loss and a healthy immune system (so they – the infamous they – say). It is also said
to promote glossy hair, healthy skin and nails, and may balance hormones and
reduce inflammation. Plus studies show
it can help battle depression. Hi ho
Next up, a sprinkle of Acai. Exceedingly high in antioxidants, acai is
said to help prevent premature ageing. Its amino acid profile gives a sustained
energy boost and its high essential fatty acid content helps regulate blood
sugar levels. Only downside? It turns
your breakfast a sort of sludgy greyish black.
A really good dose of Cacao
nibs next. Cacao is known as ‘Nature’s
Prozac’. Pure raw cacao (the raw
ingredient of chocolate) can reduce stress and anxiety and increase feelings of
wellbeing. It is exceedingly high in antioxidants and in magnesium. Plus it’s absolutely delicious. Don’t cheat - you need the pukka nibs, not a
slab of Cadbury’s.
Then a goodly wallop of Chia
seed. Known as the appetite
suppresser, chia was apparently used by the Aztecs and Mayans for endurance and
energy. It’s a gelatinous seed that adds
bulk to food, making it handy if you’re trying to lose weight. It contains the
highest vegetarian source of EFAs (essential fatty acids) and is exceedingly
high in calcium and iron. To be honest,
it doesn’t really rock my boat but I need the protein.
Then a sprinkle of Maca.
Another powerful adaptogen, used originally by the Peruvians for energy and
sexual prowess. Maca is said to help
reduce anxiety, stress and depression and enhance libido and fertility (not
that I’m remotely interested in the latter, but hey some of you might be). LOVE Maca.
Finally some Lucuma powder.
Why? Absolutely no idea. But it tastes nice.
I stir it all up and watch it turn a really disgusting shade of murky
grey. But seriously, it tastes
great. So great that, if left entirely to
my own devices, I’d probably eat it three times a day.

Anyhow...what do you have for your breakfast?
I use oats, ground almonds and cashew, cut scissor-cut stripes of one or two prunes, fresh fruit, berries in summer, all soaked it in hot water in the morning, then I add goats yoghurt.
You remind me of the crushed hemp, which I left out when I had a tooth problem. I might get them again.
Oh, wow, I wish you could put this all together and sell it. I'm too scattered, I'd never get it all together. But if it were already mixed and all I had to do was add hot water - now that I could do.
Ready-mixed gluten-free muesli (soaked in water for an hour while I have my first milky coffee), 3 large spoons of natural yoghurt and 3 prunes (soaked in Earl Grey tea - done in small batches and kept in the fridge) - all together in one bowl, and followed by another coffee.
(Just in case anyone is tutting about the gluten-free - I have coeliac!)
@Ashen - sounds very good indeed. Yup, hemp is a goodie.
@Barbee - that's exactly what a friend said. If I knew anything about business, I would. :)
@VA - Prunes soaked in Earl Grey? You sophisticate! :) Why should anyone tut about gluten-free? Shedload of people (myself included) have issues with gluten. I don't like the commercial mixes though - they taste like sawdust. What type do you get? I also steer clear of dried fruit (let's not go into it!) and they're often heavy on the raisins etc. :)
Well Jane, most mornings I have OJ, coffee and Cheerios, with skim milk. This morning I sliced a perfectly ripe peach over the Cheerios. Delicious!
One or two days a week, I actually have an egg on toast. And...that egg is usually fried ... in butter. Also delicious.
Your breakfast combo would be too complicated for me to put together before going to work, but I am sure it's full of wholesome goodness.
Don't know about chocolate flavored breakfast cereals!
Google "Jay Rayner Guardian coeliac" and you'll see what I mean!
I could tell him exactly where I was when I was growing up - never far from the nearest loo! I was over 50 when I found out what the problem was, and could spend a long time listing all the effects it has had on my health.
(The muesli is from Holland & B, and perhaps would be a litte 'tough' without the soaking, and the prunes soaked in Earl Grey is from a Skye Gyngell book, and works really well.)
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