I can't travel. I have no camel or horse. And, anyhow, this kind of journeying is not done in the physical realm. So this is a contemplative, inward day for me. Yeah, yeah, I know – you’re all racing round like headless chickens doing a ton of cooking and preparation. Ah, the bliss of a simple Christmas, huh?
James and I might bake a few mince pies later. I have also promised a cheesecake (a proper baked one) as nobody here likes Christmas pudding and, seeing as it’s only the three of us this year, well, we suit ourselves. But it’s hardly arduous. So that leaves…time. A fire, of course. Rosemary in from the garden – for remembrance of the dear ones who won’t be with us (Mum enjoyed last night btw, when friends dropped by unexpectedly and said hello to her). Tiny lights sparkling. Frankincense winding tendrils through the house.
Shall I go to midnight mass? Probably not. More likely I’ll just muse and meditate and think about journeys…about magi…
One of my earliest Christmas memories is of my father singing We Three Kings in his deep brown bass voice. This is a Celtic instrumental version which I rather love…
Now then, The Three Kings (from Persian Lands Afar)… We sang this carol at school and it always chokes me. I can’t find a version that really encapsulates the spine-tingling quality of this. But this isn’t bad…
And my other magic Magi song…
Yeah, you know my Christmas message alright. Don't you? Love. And magi... (of course).
Maybe I'm mad but I'm attempting to take my 2 year old to the family carol service this evening, it was always a bit of a tradition when I was growing up so would like to continue it. Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy 2012.
TC - Nah, not mad remotely. I used to take James when he was very small...key is not to be stressed and to take a special toy! Have a wonderful time and thank you for your lovely wishes. xxx
And much love to you too. My journey has been pretty furious this year - good to have time to contemplate it all as well.
Love... that's a journey all on its own.
Love to you all xxx
Merry Christmas Jane. If I see the Magi on the Bethlehem road tomorrow, I'll give them your love. :) xxx
@Mud - right back at you...hope you have the peace and quiet you need for contemplation. xxx
@Soli - ah, ain't it just? xxx
@Rachel - *sigh* Please do... xxx
"A cold coming we had of it
Just the worst time of the year
For a journey, and such a long journey:
The ways deep and the weather sharp,
The very dead of winter..."
May the quiet spirit of the season bless you and yours.
Ps. I suspect some other natal day too....
Happy Christmas Jane. I think that your friendship is a year round gift!
Best wishes to you and yours on this special day. xo
Merry Christmas or yule tide or how ever you'd like to refer to this time of the year.
Here in northern Germany a common question is: do you have to work between the years? Meaning the time between Christmas ie the old year and new year. I always find this a special time. time for reflections time to calm down after the festivities (very low key for various reasons this year in my family) and it's time to meet the magi. The three wise men I think I love this time more than Christmas it self. I hate the fact that I'll have to go back to the office tomorrow but it's just one day so I will cope.
Wishing you a perfect meditative time dear friend xxx
I love the way when you paint yourself into a corner, you get really defensive; just like your friend Justin Time and his other figments. The mask of The Backstabber is very rarely fixed with a stable chord.....(smile)
@Viv - you know, I intended to include that poem - or part of it - but then it slipped my mind. Thank you for the inclusion. :)
@Frances - your friendship is so precious to me...one of the beautiful certainties in my life. :)
@Ivy - ah, another of my precious never-met but oh-so-known friends...yes, exactly so. My festivities very low-key too this year..and I'm wondering about the reasoning behind yours.. we need a catch-up. xx
@Anonymous - Ah, welcome back, my friend. Blessings of the season to you. xx
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