know how the other day I was saying that you really should never ever ever share a bathroom when you’re
detoxing? Well. I was due to head off to check out another
detox in a few days’ time – this time not so far from home, in Somerset even.
And it looked great. A week of juice
fasting – you know, just my game. Lots of yoga and Pilates and meditation.
Yum. Conveniently forgetting the
twice-daily colonics bit.
then, I get back and the PR gives me a call. It's kinda hard to concentrate cos Asbo is barking in my ear and wafting foul breath over me so I'm twisting in some kind of yogic contortion to get away from his sphere of influence.
But eventually I made out this:
‘Umm, we’ve been having feedback
from journalists about this and, I should warn you…’
you’ll have your own room of course…;
yes? Oh what? WHAT? No! You know what’s coming, right?
see, you’ll be sharing a cottage.’
cutting to the chase, I’ll be sharing a bathroom with a stranger?’
yes, basically.’
this is the place where you’re supposed to do colonics on yourself twice a day,
I can’t get away from the shit.
don’t worry about that; you’ll have your own board.’
right. Just like I had my own rectal nozzle. Life is generous.
make a schedule. It’ll be fine.’

I came off the phone and fired off an email to the organizers saying basically WTF? And, hey ho, they got back to me and said… ‘Well,
we were hoping to upgrade you but, as it happens, it’s all off now anyhow as
the owners of the property have decided they don’t want any more journalists
that’s that. No more shit. And at first
I thought, there you go Jane – all your own fault for being such a fecking
spoilt bitch. For putting on airs and
acting the big I Am. Cos really, I never
do that assertion stuff. Ever. Usually I’m just bloody grateful for whatever
I get given.

Oh dear! Sounds like a very shitty place!! They obviously can't stand the criticism! You're probably well out of it - I wouldn't even share a bathroom in a cheap B&B let alone a place that costs a grand...
I, on the other hand, would relish sharing a bathroom with ONLY one person - we have a single microscopic (4x6) loo for the three of us - with a warped door that doesn't shut. Add in a angsty 16 year old with a penchant for two hour long showers and I'm lucky I'm not doing my business in the back yard! It's all a matter of perspective, after all! Besides, you CAN overdo the colonics - perhaps it's best you give your pipes a bit of a rest ;)
Oh I definitely think you dodged a bullet (or something) there. Twice a day?
Life is crap sometimes…
Ex actly.
All these "treatments" sound less like treats and more like punishments to me.
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