Warning: contains woo woo stuff... (yup, probably more than usual).

still feeling rubbish. It’s so weird
because I really truly don’t get ill normally.
Just the one cold a year to boost my immune system. But this virus thing
has been wretched – and weird. I'm saying weird too much, aren't I? And I
whined – just a little – on Twitter (before quickly deleting it). But clearly not quickly enough as lovely Nicki Hughes sent me a message
saying, simply: ‘This isn’t right. Come and have a treatment – as a treat – on me.’ And she said she’d like to do this new
healing treatment on me – so new, it barely had a name. And I said…well, what do you think I said? J
yesterday I drove through the wind and rain to the Levels, back to Nicki’s lovely peaceful centre. And she gave me
rose tea and looked at me and looked…worried.
‘When did this all start?’ she asked.
And I thought back and realized that, curiously, it had all kicked off
after I smashed myself on the nose with a kettlebell. ‘You should see a cranial osteopath,’ she
said, and I thought, ‘Doh, why didn’t I think of that.’ Because everything in our bodies and minds is
interconnected so if you whack one thing out of balance, everything else can go
skew-whiff. And, honestly, why else
would my eyes be permanently brimming, like I’m on the verge of tears? ‘But I can’t…y’know…’ I said and she said, ‘Yeah,
I know,’ and then said she’d do what she could.

treatment itself is really unusual. The
aim is to break up and release any blockages on an emotional or energetic
level. So she handed me a couple of
quartz wands to clutch and took me on a guided journey through the chakras, placing
the relevant crystals on each chakra and getting me to visualize all the crap
being sucked out with my out-breath. Yeah,
I know – it sounds totally weirdy-beardy but, y’know, it was great.

once we’d cleared the shit from the top to the bottom, she massaged me using
specific oils for each chakra and using…crystal wands. It sounds odd but it’s really very
lovely. I never did tell you about the
bamboo massage at Champneys, did I?
Well, it’s nothing like that.
Very gentle, very soothing and there’s this wonderful little click click
every time the wands meet.

all good things come to an end (or so they say)... and so the SP and I said farewell to Nicki and drove back down the motorway
feeling…a bit blissed out really. By the time we got home I was totally
wiped. And so we snuggled us up by the
fire and…slept. Cos sleeping is also
check out Nicki if you’re anywhere within kicking distance of Taunton or
Langport in Somerset. Truly – she’s
worth the trip. http://www.waysidehouse.co.uk/
I do love this blog, Jane. You open me up to so much of what I do not know.
Though it made me think of a funny little story that had me smiling.
My love and I were sitting around talking about crystals and healing stones and he told me had a book on them. We were flipping through, looking at all the gems and crystals and reading all the healing powers of them. Then I found this sort of ritual for healing them. This couple in the picture had a wand and she was standing over he poking him with it. And I said to my love, "I know what we're doing later."
Of course, it was simply a joke, but we had a good giggle. And the whole while as I read this post, I kept thinking of this moment.
I really need to read more into crystals. They really do interest me.
I have sent the little green monster away and am googling similar practicitioners in the Durham area - can you recommend anyone?
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