“Facebook Users Private Messages Made Public
Facebook users report that private messages from years 2006 - 2009 are being displayed on users timelines”.
And I’m like, er…wow. Really? So all those bitchy comments you made off your public Timeline, on private message, could suddenly show up all over the shop? Oops. That could be embarrassing. Or, as GotJuice pointed out, in a more business-like manner, private details like credit card details and addresses and so on could be ‘out there.’
You’re all looking – aren’t you? I mean, right now? Checking out your FB timeline, huh? :)

But really, are you that surprised? Everyone (surely) knows that whatever you do online has the potential of just leaching out there, endlessly wafting around cyberspace. Even if, like me, you delete everything pretty much as you go along? Why should we be surprised that things like DMs on Twitter or private messaging on FB should be any different? The possibility that they will seep is always there. It’s probably safest if you assume that nothing is ever truly private.

it amazes me, the huge underbelly of social media. Up atop, the ocean ebbs and flows, the odd
big wave but generally it just swells along.
Yet underneath, ye gods, there is a whole other world seething and moiling
and erupting.
no angel – I’ve been swept along with it from time to time but generally, I try
not to feed it though and I don’t like gossip.
Unlike Adrian, who is an inveterate lover of news, the more salacious
the better, I simply glaze over when I hear about who did what or who said what.
That’s other people’s business – unless it directly affects me, of course. And
even then, half the time, it’s still not my business.
media is a great networking tool; it’s huge fun; keeps you in touch with
friends and family and can certainly help drive business too. There’s a lot I don’t like about it – like the
way it gathers information about you (hence my probably futile deleting) and
also the way it does seem to foster a culture of gossip and snide bitching. Not to mention the sheer timesuckery of it. But hey, it’s all in the nature of the beast.

"Every time you update your Facebook status, upload a photo or send a tweet the information becomes public information. Even if you delete the photo or remove the tweet, it’s more than likely that a problem won’t go away, a friend could of retweeted the information, a photo could have been copied onto another site or a multitude of other things may happen. The end result is the same, things tend to stick around for a long time in cyber space.
"Your online actions could be used against you in later life, such as university admissions, recruitment managers, even potential dates. They will be able to view this information and form an opinion of you without having met you or having any further knowledge."
I can say is, thank feck I’m unemployable.
I'm old, unemployable, and don't exist in the real world - it's jkind of a shame really, some good juicy leaked messages could be just what I need to whip up interest in my books ;)
I was told this the other day on FB and since you never know what's going to happen down the line, I did actually go back and take everything off the Timeline. At the time I was thinking "Funny, but I don't think this includes my direct messages" but I did it anyway. Apart from e-mail, where i still "go there" in terms of more salacious conversations, I never engage in discussions that I wouldn't want anyone to see. Ditto with the blog. I have seen far too much damage from careless words.
Thanks for the mention. Stay Safe!
Mark Hall
@Sessha - Love it! :)
@EPM - Yup, careless words can hurt. But I don't think anyone ever imagines that private messages will go public, do they? But, like all things, you just never know, huh?
@Mark - you're welcome. Had forgotten the link but it's there now. :)
So fed up with my identity. Hoping someone's gonna steal it eventually. Thus ex posing.
Jobo: 'Is it safe?'
Maste: 'That's what she said.' :oD
@ET - so change into... ? And yeah, cool vid in deed. *slides tongue along ex-teeth*
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