buy food (reluctantly); I buy petrol (even more reluctantly). I buy a few books
for research and, once in a blue moon, I will treat myself to a new CD. And
that is it. Oh no – I did buy a new
sports bra about a month ago when the old one wouldn’t take any more darning.
And four pairs of socks from Sports Direct to make it up to the ‘no need to pay
postage’ limit.
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I hear you thinking (you know I can do this) – she’s only saying this cos she’s
stony broke and can’t afford to go shopping.
Well, yeah, I’ll give you the broke bit - but I’m working on that. J But nah, even
if I had the dosh, I still wouldn’t make a hobby out of shopping.
just don’t get it. I just can't be arsed. I don’t see anything
fun about floating round a bunch of shops gazing at…stuff. It just doesn’t rock my boat. And I really hate trying on clothes with a vengeance.
Seriously, the last time I went shopping for more than ten minutes was two
years ago when I heard I was going to Israel.
I had literally nothing to wear (my wardrobe is far from extensive and,
given I live on Exmoor, there really is no need for summer clothes).
Luckily I had a wodge of vouchers from Next
(thanks to you lot) and Monsoon (thanks to friends who’d bought them for a
birthday a couple of years previously) and so I did the shopping thing and very
tedious it was too. But…job done.
then. If there’s anything worse than shopping it’s shopping with friends. Why?
WHY? Why on earth would you traipse round shops with other people? Watching them pick up stuff,
trying to adjust your facial features so they don’t guess that you’re wincing
inside and then trying to say the right things when they try it on and come out
of the changing room expecting a dishonest opinion?
Is it some kind of masochism? Now you're thinking I'm a bitch, right? But - be honest - you tell me you don't think that? Truly?

Why do women do it? You
see them, these benighted blokes, parked outside the changing rooms, or
shifting from one foot to the other, tapping listlessly into their smartphones –
clearly bored out of their skulls – while their women flick through the rails.
WHY? Is it some power trip (“You will
prove your love by enduring… total boredom”) The modern version of courtly romance, holding
hangers at Top Shop rather than poking poles in a jousting tourney? Some weird kind of branding (“Hey, bitches,
he’s mine – look, he even comes shopping with me!”). Insecurity (“Shit, if I don’t keep him with
me at all times, he might cop off with some bird in the hardware shop”)? Or just general ickyness (“We wuv each uvver
so we do evveryfing togevver”)? Yuck
yuck yuckity yuck. I mean, I'm assuming the women want the men there? Or do the men secretly enjoy it?
I don’t get it. I really, really really don't. Please explain.

I'm afraid I love shopping...any kind including window.... and bargains give me the biggest buzz!!
@YAH - :) But solo, with pals or with partner?
oh, we must be twins separated at birth - I have a huge aversion to shopping, I think my postie has a huge aversion to me shopping too, because I buy almost everything except meat and veg via the web and get it delivered! Meat and veg I either grow, or use farm shops for. I hate shopping with other people too, especially the iGit, its just something we have never done and never will. Some people seem to find it a recreational activity though - me I would rather be arse deep in mud, or have my hand in amongst 50,000 bees!
I only shop alone, I can't be bothered with trying to agree with whomever I'm with which shop we are going to, arranging to meet somewhere in half an hour only to find I need 40 minutes and then rushing out not trying on the only thing I quite like.
Having said that shopping with teenage daughters can be quite fun. I agree to try on ANYTHING they select (I don't agree to buy it) my wardrobe has been improved by things I would never have looked at before.
I am also married to one of the few men who is a good shopper. We both shop the same way, quick but open to suggestion. That was pretty much how we bought our house .... empty for 20 odd years, completely derelict. We agreed on the spot before we even climbed through the boarded up window that this was going to be our home!
I'm not keen on shopping either, but my husband loves any kind of shopping - food (he does the supermarket shop), non-food anything, even clothes or presents for me. If I have to, I will go with him, but much prefer to give him a list, or even a picture!
I know he's rare!! Or is he just odd??
The husband is a much better and more generous shopper than I am, and all my best stuff, including clothes, consists of gifts from him. He and the daughter leave me very happily at home when it comes to the big shopping trips. I tend to be a one shop or one-click sort of girl.
I HATE shopping. For anything.
My husband appears to LOVE shopping. After we get what's on the list, he fossicks. Off to the 'you-don't=need-this-but-it's-cheap' section in Aldi. You know the one. Full kit-out for skiing when you live in the sub-tropics; thermal underwear for the whole family; kitchen gizmos you never use?
And in fact, he'll stop outside the ladies clothing shops and say 'this is cheap, why don't you try it on?'
OK, rant over. Maybe I should write my own blog on the subject?
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