My brother introduced me to Kabbalah when I was in my early twenties. I spent a year in the US, part of it writing a novel (but let’s not dwell on that, eh? I literally wince at the memory of it – yeah, that bad). But the house was on Cape Ann, on top of a cliff overlooking the sea. I can still feel the warmth of the sun, still see the diamond-glinting on waves as dawn broke.

Anyhow, this wasn’t supposed to be a rant or a sermon. I must also say that I don’t belong to any groups and I don’t tie bits of string round my wrist or drink overpriced water endorsed by Madonna – and I’m truly saddened that people are profiting from what should be a totally free resource. But hey…ain’t it ever thus?
So. Anyhow. Israel. I’m flying out on Monday – and I just can’t wait. My brazen attempt at getting new clothes via blogging failed dismally. However, I took advantage of the sales and have cobbled together a sort of wardrobe (mainly in tones of black, it has to be said). I am packing my bruised and battered soul and heading for the sun. It will be good for me to be with people; to have some light-heartedness and hopefully some inspiration. I know how lucky I am to have such an opportunity. Many people just have to battle on in the stranglehold of everyday life. So it’s a huge grateful thank-you to Kinetis for inviting me.
I’d love to be able to tell you our itinerary but they’re being all mysterious about it… Apparently my plea for desert and camels is being taken into consideration…But really, who cares? We’re staying in a hotel a few minutes from the beach in Tel Aviv – and, by heck, what a beach! Above all I’m really looking forward to meeting my fellow travellers – the UK bloggers Rosie and Sally – and Spanish bloggers Monica and Eva. I took Spanish A level (and got a flipping A grade too) but, alas, the years have sucked it out of me. Never mind – when the spirit is willing, the communication will follow.
We're also meeting up with the lovely Susie...I love her blog and suspect she's a bit of a kindred spirit...
Stop press: Oh my. You remember how I put out a pitiful plea to Figleaves? Which – after some initial flirtation on Twitter - they stoically ignored, of course. Well… my bestest baddest friend (she of the flat in London and the Saudi sheiks and the ayurvedic rib-bruising massages) only went and sent me a care package from the place… and I now possess a swimsuit that shows off WAY too much cleavage and a seriously posh bra and knickers set… So, if I get caught in cross-fire or am mown down by a runaway Segway at least I’ll be showing a flash of purple lace as they cart me into an ambulance…
Enjoy yourself, be safe, I'll be anxiously awaiting tales of your adventures when you return!!
thanks Sessh! Oh, look at that - for once Blogger is allowing me to comment on a blog... amazing.
can't wait!!!!!!
Oh, you poor dear, Jane. Having to go to a hot, dry place like that! Think of the risk of sunburn! Think of the chance of getting baked! Don't think of terrorist bombs.
I do hope you have a delightful time; we did when we went to Israel and Egypt about 20 years ago.
Oh, and remember; camels have nasty bites. If you want to go, and camel doesn't — just a word to the wise.
Tel Aviv is a very modern place compared to Jerusalem. And very international. You may not find a camel there. Lots of people who speak English, though. Have lots of fun. Be careful of the sun. That will be your biggest concern, I'm sure. XOX
Take care, stay safe, have a great trip.
Hang on!!! I'm coming with you!!!
See you tomorrow!
Way to go with purple lace and everything! Have a fabulous time - you definitely deserve it! x
Go on - enjoy yourself! Forget about blogs, even though you're going with fellow ones! Look forward to the reports afterwards.
Have a great time.
Eeeeeek! x
Oh oh oh - can I come?? How come Rosie was invited? Have a fabulous time - the school run in Gateshead just doesn't feel nearly as glamorous!!
Jane! Have a wonderful time! Israel is def. one of my must-see-before-I-die places. And I'm with you on the camels. I hope you'll have a chance to blog before you get back. (I'm hoping for day-by-day blow-by-blow actually. :)
(And was Blogger giving you trouble too? I've been having loads of Google product issues, but it seems like they're all working now--fingers crossed.)
I had to start following your blog as I am sitting in Jerusalem waiting to read all about the trip. Enjoy!
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